Lübeck is everywhere

20. Juni 2010 | Von Ronny | Letzte Änderung: 5. Juli 2010 um 15:04 Uhr

Die staatliche Unterstützung von Wissenschaft und Bildung ist durch die Finanzkrise weltweit bedroht. Die Reduzierung der Staatsausgaben zu Lasten der Bildung und Wissenschaft ist aber der falsche Weg zur Sanierung der Staatsfinanzen. Lübeck ist wahrscheinlich nur die erste Universität, deren Überleben hierdurch akut bedroht ist. Wir sind der Meinung ‘Lübeck ist Überall’! Wir, die Menschen an Universitäten und medizinischen Forschungseinrichtungen, stehen auf, zeigen unseren Protest und unterstützen aktiv die folgende Erklärung.

Governmental support and funding for research and education is strongly endangered by the latest financial crisis all over the world. However, cutting governmental expenditures at the expense of education and science is the wrong approach to balance governmental budget. Lübeck is most likely only the first university, whose survival is acutely endangered by such measures. We feel ‘Lübeck is everywhere’! We, the people at universities and departments in medical research, stand up, show ourselves in an active manner and support the following statement.

Terminating medical education in Lübeck would be a grave mistake.
The Lübeck Medical School is top-ranked for its teaching quality of medical students, for its academic and scientific excellence, and for successfully translating research findings into innovative products and solutions through its unique conjunction with the Technical Faculty of the University and the strong biotechnology industry in the Lübeck area. The undersigned strongly urge to withdraw the closure plan and to make a definitive commitment to the University of Lübeck.

University of New South Wales, Australia

Department of Pharmacology
School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

Cardiff University, Wales

Wales Heart Research Institute
School of Medicine
Cardiff University
Cardiff, UK

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Division of Renal and Vascular Research
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Panum Institute
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Pecs, Hungary

Department of Pathophysiology and Gerontology
University of Pecs
Pecs, Hungary

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

The Laboratory of Ion Channel Research
Department Molecular Cell Biology
KU Leuven
Leuven, Belgium

University of Aarhus, Denmark

The Water and Salt Research Center
Institute of Physiology and Biophysics
University of Aarhus
Aarhus, Denmark